Hedonistic Wife Sharing – Part 1

Romeo143 2015-07-21 Comments

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Hi, It’s Me Mani again..Came back with another real sex story but its too not mine. An ISS Reader Asked me to share their story to You all. Anyone who want give their stories can email me at [email protected].. even girls and married ladies can approach me, at Madhapur, Hyderabad. Okay, coming back to the story now…

Sanjay Ray and Srilekha Bose got married in their early mid-twenties, in April 2007. Sanjay — dark guy in complexion, average in height and built, and with high libido — was then working in a noted textile Company at Ahmadabad [where he would stay in a small 1-BHK rented flat on Stadium Road in Nabarangpura locality, near Maharaja Somosa centre]. And his gorgeous wife, Srilekha, the only daughter of her parents, was initially little hesitant to marry Sanjay as her marriage was being arranged or fixed with a guy who lived in a place where fish-eating happened, she had heard, to be a taboo.

Secondly, she, who had been learning ‘Rabindra Sangeet’ since her school days, would face a discontinuation in her regular music erudition at Ahmedabad. And thirdly, perhaps she had been emotionally little weak with or had a crush on a guy named Paresh Mukherjee who was a younger brother of her music-Guru. However, finally her marriage was solemnized with Sanjay with pomp and show in the 2nd week of April 2007. She was then at her +22 years, while Sanjay was at his 24+ years.

Srilekha was quite high-nosed about her beauty or lovely feature and pulchritude or curvaceous figure [34b / 30 / 35]. A round-featured beauty, with strange temptation written in her large eyes, she’s pinkish-fair in completion, 5’5” in height, with contemporary attitude and friendly in attitude.

Before marriage, Sanjay met Srilekha in a restaurant (CCD), arranged by Paresh who also participated in their casual discussion there. Sanjay observed his would-be wife, Srilekha, and he was smitten by her at the first sight or tryst, and he felt she got a strange penetrating sex-appeal which could grant erection to any male.

However, after their wedding, or on the bridal night in the bridal chamber, when Sanjay first time made her topless he turned flabbergasted seeing her pert round breasts, tipped with brown areolae encircling small blueberry-like taut nipples, proudly protruded with arrogance of prime youth. He pressed them hard a few times, and her soft-yet-hard breast-flesh rebounded to his every squeeze with all their firmness and resilience.

Sanjay felt happy and delighted to get such a beautiful and full-bodied bride, and he understood Srilekha’s pert resilient breasts could even easily combat with squeezes from two / three pairs of palms at a time, if done or tried out. But he was not sure what would be her reaction in that. Anyway, all the night, they confabulated on different topics or time-passed as such until 3 o’clock of the nocturnal hour, and thereafter Sanjay started the foreplay with her . . . which culminated in complete coital spree. . .and Srilekha was not virgin as was not Sanjay as well.

A couple of months elapsed thereafter, and in the 3rd week of December 2007, came a tinkle from Calcutta. Srilekha picked up the phone, and the voice cited from the other end was one whom she had known from her high-school days — and it was of Paresh Mukherjee, her music-teacher’s younger brother, who said he was now boarding in Ahmedabad-bound train and coming to them. Srilekha was both glad and surprised.

He said he was in the train, heading Ahmedabad. . .

Well, dark and ordinary-looking Paresh, a senior guy (then aged about 40 years), a confirmed bachelor, had a great crush on beautiful Srilekha, and Srilekha was also aware of it, though she had never responded to him. In fact, on Sanjay’s asking about Paresh once upon a day subsequent to their honeymoon, Srilekha had told him about Paresh’s funny infatuation with her when she was studying in high school. And she and all her buddies either, would take fun of and laugh out at Paresh those days. Now when Paresh was on the way, and coming to stay with them for next couple of days, Sanjay thought out a naughty plan to give Paresh a surprise gift (of Srilekha). But he did not speak his mind to his wife Srilekha, deliberately or lest she might discard his idea.

However, Paresh came down to their place. Meanwhile, Sanjay had booked a Duk Bungalow in the Polo forest, located near village Abhapur [of Vijaynagar sub-division] — some 150 km from Ahmedabad, endowed with splendid sylvan natural resources — where Srilekha had always wanted to pay a visit to, or wanted to spend a week-end. Well, two days later the Couple, along with their guest Paresh, went there (Polo Forest) by car on a 2-day-sojourn.

The Duk Bungalow or cottage Sanjay had booked was situated in vicinity of the forest, along the Harnav river. It was a wooden old-fashioned single-bed-roomed small bungalow, usually used by honeymooner(s). It was a cold mid-December (2007) winter day, and Paresh was shivering in cold.

Well, since that cottage-bungalow comprised only a single bedroom with a fixed king-sized single bed in it, Paresh was therefore to be adjusted or somehow accommodated with the Couple in the same bad. Initially, Srilekha showed little reluctance in sharing the same bed with Paresh who was also somewhat embarrassed for it. But Sanjay convinced Srilekha on pretext of the situational compulsion. However, in the evening, they little boozed in the balcony, and then after dinner, Sanjay invited Paresh to share the same bed with them under the same single quilt. Sanjay squeezed in between Paresh and Srilekha. It was a night of the chilly winter.

At night Srilekha usually used to wear a cotton waist-belted nocturnal bed-gown [with no undergarments beneath it] which could otherwise be widened apart or revealed down the front or midriff easily. And that night also Srilekha wore it despite Paresh with them.

Well, soon tired Paresh started snoring, and Srilekha was asleep. But Sanjay remained unslept, thus patiently awaiting an optimal moment to try out or begin his pranks.

However, it was about 1.30 a.m, midnight. Only a dim night-light was on in the room. Sanjay found it to be his moment for action. Srilekha was sleeping, supine, while Paresh was on his side, facing Sanjay. Now Sanjay, having slowly loosened supine Srilekha’s gown, or having widened its two frontal flaps apart her midriff or bosom, and thus exposing her breasts, he then took hold of their sleeping guest’s right hand and brought it to his sleeping wife’s bare breasts. Paresh’s hand remained motionless or inactive on her high breasts. Sanjay was getting impatient as that palm on Srilekha’s unveiled breasts was not assuming action. But then Sanjay did not know when he had fallen asleep.

Early next morning when Sanjay woke up from his sleep, pulling the quilt aside, he found both his wife and guest (Paresh) were still sleeping. And that hand, or under-palm of Paresh, was still idly lying on Srilekha’s right breast-dome.

The sight instantly aroused him and he rushed to his bathroom. Little later, stepping out from bathroom into his bedroom, he tiptoed to his wife’s bed-edge or her side, and having little leaned forward unto her, Sanjay reached his one hand out to that of Paresh, or placed his palm on Paresh’s, and started slowly and mildly ramming Paresh’s palm over that breast of Srilekha in a ‘push-and-release’ motion as though to make Paresh feel, even in his sleep, the soft cushioning resilience of her warm breast-flesh. He did it a few times, then again rushed into bathroom.

As Sanjay stepped out into the room from the bathroom, he found agape Paresh still asleep, and so was supine Srilekha, now almost topless. Paresh’s right palm was still atop Srilekha’s one breast-dome — and it was yet to be in action with her breasts.

So, now, aroused Sanjay slowly and carefully pushed or turned his sleeping wife on her side, facing Paresh, in a way that her left breast-peak, inclusive of its brown areola, entered Paresh’s agape mouth. This sight of his sleeping wife’s one breast-peak in Paresh’s mouth augmented his sexual excitement to that extent that Sanjay lost his continence — and rolling up the lungii Sanjay freed his erection and started pumping his angry cock over or little atop Srileka’s bare bust or a dome-side rather. And soon he ejaculated on that done-side — and his ejaculated milk teemed down the dome. .

Little after, Sanjay walked out of their room, or cottage, for a walk in the misty morning.

She had changed her clothes. Sanjay gathered on a chair opposite hers, and he found her quiet — she was only watching Sanjay, speechless. Sanjay tried to initiate a talk with her, but she did not reply or respond to. Her mien suggested her suppressed coy. A couple of minutes went without exchange of a word even between them. But then suddenly Srilekha herself broke the silence and straightway started admonishing her naughty husband, somewhat in a whisper-tone, for his impulsive prank of the previous night. Sanjay smiled to himself; he coaxed her into silence by placing his mouth over hers, thus alleviating the annoyance in her with a passionate French kiss.

After they broke the kiss, Srilekha asked if the incident of the previous night was tantamount to a spousal infidelity. Sanjay smiled and wobbled his head in negation, saying that it was a part of the conjugal fun. Sanjay understood what was on her mind, and he immediately got into clearing her fallacy or complex, and gradually he coaxed her into his thought and convinced her to take it all just as a fun only.

Well, thereafter, Sanjay asked his wife when she had made out his naughty nocturnal bustle. . . Srilekha smiled and admitted: “I did have understood it from the beginning and was enjoying it either, but did not dare respond to it or directly participate in it as Paresh’s hand or mouth was not actively a party to this nocturnal escapade. Besides, I was scared about a negative reaction from Paresh’s end in this matter — after all, he’s quite senior in age and known to me since my high school days”. Sanjay laughed and blurted out to her: “all right, if you consent, I shall open Paresh out with you today itself and outside this cottage — in the woods, alfresco.” Srilekha was at a fix, and she said to her naughty husband: “But mind it, today is not a safe day for me, nor am I on the pill. And in that case Paresh may impregnate me.” Sanjay continued: “That does not matter, let him do so. Let us see if his sperm is procreative enough to impregnate a woman. . .

Anyway, after 10 o’clock, we will go out to river-side, or inside the forest where situated some ruins of an abandoned temple complex and there in its tiled patio under the sky I will initiate you and Paresh into sex, which to be repeated tonight and later also. ..” Srilekha reluctantly agreed to be a game in it. By now Sanjay had placed the order for tea, and it came to them. Paresh had also woken up by now and he came out to balcony and joined them in the tea tryst.

At advent of Paresh there, Sanjay changed the topic, and assumed some casual chit-chats. Srirekha was then in her traditional outfits, with casually wrapping a shawl (stole) around it. However, after having a cup of tea, Paresh went out to a morning-walk in the forecourt garden. In absence of Paresh, Sanjay beckoned Srilekha to open the shawl apart her front, and Srilekha now obediently followed Sanjay’s instruction . . . and then he leaned over to her and loosened or yanked down her pallu to the extent that her midriff or pectoral front was left unveiled of Pallu, thus exposing her V-necked tight while blouse. Srilekha smiled and commented: “Hmm. You naughty. . .. You seem to be too impatient. . .”

She stood up and went inside, and came back there within a minute. Now looking at her front Sanjay perceived her pink mood, also understood that now she was braless underneath her blouse. Her blouse was body-hugging and made of thin cotton material — and resulting that it not only accentuated the contour of the spherical silhouette of her pectoral domes, also even, somewhat faintly, the brownish circumferences around her swelled nipples, through its translucent material.

The view was much provocative to water any male’s mouth. . . Well, Srilekha resumed the sitting-gesture that Sanjay had set before. Her pallu was left half-slid down off her midriff, thus almost revealing the front of her blouse. And setting her in this position, Sanjay was waiting for their guest-friend Paresh who came back to them at about 8 o’clock (morning) or after the mist was cleared.

Paresh joined his host-Couple in the chats, sitting opposite Srilekha. Having cast an askance look at Paresh, Sanjay noticed Paresh, though engrossed in the chats with them, was often staring at Srilekha’s bosom — practically his eyes were glued to her blouse-clad bosom. Sanjay smiled to himself.

The sight instantly titillated the latent voyeuristic ego in Sanjay, and brought him to a strong erection in his trousers. From his facial mien, Srilekha — Sanjay’s understanding wife — could sense his arousal, and therefore, to tease the pair of males before her, Srilekha did not try to adjust the pallu, fallen in a heap in her lap, or to cover up her bust with it. Srilekha felt strange and unique, horny either, to stay seated like that.

A series of chilled ecstatic tingles stated wriggling up her spine and zeroing on her pubic mound and it wetted her in no time. And Srilekha felt her nipples turning rock-hard and vividly jabbing through her thin blouse-material, thus clearly suggesting her sexual gluttony. Paresh, smitten by her killing sex-appeal and silent invitation, turned agape with his mouth filled with water. At this point or moment, Sanjay asked Srilekha to get up and get ready to go out to peep into the forest in the vicinity. Srilekha pushed off. Her disappearance perhaps frustrated Paresh a little. Now Srilekha came out in her casuals — skirt and shirt.

Little later, three of them walked out for the outer sylvan forest in the vicinity where situated some rustic villages, inhabited by forest-dowelling local tribals. By a half an hour they reached that temple-site inside the forest. It was a totally abandoned spot, encircling the temple-ruins, surrounded by tall shady trees — thereby an ideal spot for a rendezvous.

Here Sanjay, asking them to take some rest on the forecourt of the temple’s outer floor, went on blindside of the pair, thus scoping Srilekha to allure Paresh to savour her youth under the sky. . . And then, in no time, a wild foreplay or lovemaking spontaneously assumed between pretty and bull-bodied Srilekha and Paresh, while Sanjay was voyeuring their sex from a closet.

Paresh filled Srilekha twice there, and finally he withdrew from supine Srilekha, satisfied and spent up. After they dressed up, Sanjay came out to them from his closet. Paresh had filled Srilekha with so much of his sperms that the excess fluid, from her vaginal gate, teemed down her inner thighs while she was walking down or returning.

That night, in their room, Srilekha straightway invited Paresh to eat her up, even in presence of Sanjay, for the sake of a fun — a threesome spree. And in no time a wild threesome fun began, on heterosexual terms, and in it Srilekha was a game. . . Naked and supine Srilekha shared her twin domes with two males, one each, at a time. Both guys took her, by turns, all that tight, until three of them were completely played out and retired to a sound sleep. . .

However, Paresh stayed a fortnight, or till mid-January 2008, at Ahmadabad with the Couple, and enjoyed his dream-girl Srilekha to the best content of his soul — Srilekha also pleasured him like a new wife, fearless of the risk or chance of her conceiving with him.

And during Paresh’s sojourn itself, Srilekha missed her period, and thus Srilekha became pregnant — from Paresh — in the 9th month of her marriage with Sanjay.

Continued. ..2

Hope you all enjoyed.. Bye bye , See Ya., Yours Mani, get me in private at madhapur, hyderabad. will be waiting .. you can mail me at [email protected]

Signing off…

Hedonistic Wife Sharing – Part 1

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